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Industry News » Fresh Hema Beijing prepares to build the first organic seedling cultivation base in China

According to Fresh Hema, Huaixiang Agriculture, the largest organic vegetable production base in Beijing, has settled in Machangying Town, Pinggu District. 70% of the organic vegetables will be sold to local Fresh Hema supermarkets, including 17 kinds of cabbage, rape, and spinach. It is understood that the first organic seedling cultivation base in China is under construction here.

It is understood that organic vegetables refer to vegetable products that strictly follow the organic production procedures and have passed the identification and certification of organic food certification agencies and issued organic food certificates during the production process of vegetables. Since these products have strict index requirements in terms of seeds, planting techniques, soil, and living environment, the higher planting costs make these products more expensive than ordinary vegetables.

Dong Min, head of Huaixiang Agriculture, said that the base has been specialized in organic vegetable cultivation since its establishment 13 years ago. Initially, the public and the market did not have a high level of awareness and acceptance of organic vegetables, and the company also experienced setbacks in its development and suffered losses for 9 consecutive years. “At the beginning, I found that logistics and traffic were very expensive, and there were many categories of crops in a greenhouse, and labor costs remained high, so I switched from being the C-end to the B-end,” Dong Min said.

At present, in addition to Fresh Hema, Huaixiang Agriculture’s sales channels also include, Tmall and Sam Supermarket. According to Wang Guozhu, the purchasing manager of Fresh Hema Beijing, although the organic vegetable market is still in the cultivation period, in 5 years, the number of users buying organic vegetables at Fresh Hema has increased by about 5 times. At the same time, through the directional planting model, the organic vegetable production base can achieve intensive production, which greatly reduces the cost. Previously, the price of some organic produce was 6 times or even 10 times that of ordinary vegetables, but now the price of organic vegetables in Fresh Hema Beijing stores has dropped from 1.5 to 2 times that of ordinary vegetables.

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